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OVERVIEW WORK 2019 – 2022 





Project                    Ambivalences in Red

Brief Description   Ambivalences in Red  was born as a search around the burden produced by the overload of information to which we are                                      exposed in the contemporary world. Art is not a means to explain or expose preconceived truths, but a process of                                                aesthetic investigation that can surprise the artist himself with unexpected findings. ‘Ambivalencias en rojo’ is a

                                series of monochrome red paintings all 120 x 200 cm  meant to be exhibited together.  

Realised                  2023

Exhibition               La Balsa Art Gallery, Bogotá, Colombia. 


Project                    STOER (Tough)

Brief Description    STOER (tough) reflects on the subject of gender and identity in a subtle and humorous way. The purpose of the artwork is                                   to generate awareness and acceptance regarding these topics. It also encourages you to think about the actual meaning                                     and implication of the word STOER (‘tough’) nowadays.

Realised                  2022

Exhibition               Mercatorplein (July ’22), Bos en Lommerplein (August ’22), Rembrandtplein (September ’22), Leidseplein (October ’22),                                         IJburg / Pampuslaan (November December ’22), Zuidoost Hoekenrodeplein (December ’22/ January ’23), Stadsplein                                          Amstelveen (March/April ’23)  


Project                    Emotional Abuse

Brief description    An art installation that draws attention to mental health issues caused by Emotional Abuse; asking for understanding, for                                    recognition, and for awareness.

Realised                  2021


Collaboration        La Balsa gallery, Eugenio Viola and MAMBO Museum of modern art of Bogotá, Colombia. 

                               Exhibited September 22 – January 23: MAMBO Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá


Project                   Een Steentje Bijdragen (Pitching In)

Brief Description  A memorial, focussing on the stories about helping each other during and after the covid pandemic connected via QR                                         codes to the online platform, stories and exhibition. (

Realised                 2022

Collaboration        Developed in collaboration with Amsterdam Museum, as  part of the exhibition and online platform ‘Corona in the City’

Exhibited               June – October 2022: Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel


Project                    A picture of myself (covid project)

Brief Description   A project about identity and self-image, who am I? A question that we  are confronted with, since the moment we are                                         conscious, and even more with all the emphasis on Social Media nowadays

Realised                 2020

                               Residency Pilotenkuche , Leipzig, AFK grant: June July and august 2020

                               Exhibition Online exhibition since august 2020


Project                    Abacus – Variations on a Theme

Brief Description   An investigation into how different cultures deal with systems and what the influence of context is versus understanding.

Realised                  2019

                                Residency Xiamen, University of Xiamen in collaboration with the Chinese European art centre,  February - April 2019
                                Chiasso Perduto, Florence, July - August 2019

Exhibition               April 2019: Chinese European Art Centre, Xiamen Fujian, China
                                August 2019: Florence, curated by Sandra M. Pattin, Italy

                                October 2020: OBA (Library Amsterdam)
                                September 2021: KunstRai Amsterdam
                                October 2020: Art Space What Art Can Do Amsterdam

                                October 2020: Gallery 9, Amsterdam
                                September 2021: KunstRai, Amsterdam





2023  ArtBo, International art fair Bogota, Colombia

2022  Mondriaan Fonds, Additional Grant because of postponed exhibition Emotional Abuse Project, due to covid-rules, MAMBO Museum              of Modern Art of Bogotá
2021  KunstRai, commissioned work by the Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2020  Grant via AFK Amsterdamse Fonds voor de Kunsten for the project MM&I
2020  A live stream interview for Artbo-International Art Fair Bogota, Colombia
2020  Pilotenkueche International Art Program Leipzig, Germany
2020  Mondriaan Fonds Grant for Emotional Abuse Project, MAMBO Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá.
2019  Chinese European Art Centre, Xiamen, China 3 month.
2019  Residency Chiasso Perdutto in Florence, Italy
2019  Development Grants for Artists, AFK Amsterdamse Fonds voor de Kunsten
2019  Production Grant for Artists, Stichting Stokroos
2014  KunstRaI, commissioned work by Art Fair in collaboration with Master Pieces The Netherlands


EXHIBITIONS (selection of shows)

2024    solo exhibition, Double Shift Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2024    Big art fair 10th edition, Het Slotervaart, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2024    Art Fair, Art on Paper Amsterdam, presentation by Gallery 9 Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2023    ArtBo, International art fair Bogota, Colombia

2023   Galleria La Balsa, group exhibition, artists of the Gallery, Bogota, Colombia
2023   Ambivalenties in Red, solo exhibition, La Balsa Art Gallery, Bogota, Colombia

2022   Public Art Installation, STOER Project, presented at Mercatorplein, Bos en lommerplein,
           Rembrandtplein, Leidseplein, Pampuslaan, Hoekenrodeplein Amsterdam  and
           Stadsplein Amstelveen             
2022  Museum of Modern Art Bogota, Art Installation, Emotional Abuse Project, Colombia
           curation Eugenio Viola
2022  La Balsa, solo exhibition, Bogota Colombia
2022  Amsterdam Museum, Een Steentje bijdragen - Installation presented at the Amsterdam Museum aan de Amstel Amsterdam
2022  Museum De Voorde, Group exhibition and publication ‘Respect’ curated by Marjonne Kube, Zoetermeer, The Netherlands
2022  Casa73, group exhibition, curated by Andrea Rincon at project space San Felipe, Bogotá Colombia
2021  KunstRai, solo presentation of Abacus project in the main hall of the Art Fair, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2020  Gallery KunstKan, Solo exhibition, Installation, and variations on Abacus project, Amsterdam
2020  Municipal Library, OBA, Solo exhibition, showing Abacus project, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2020  Gallery 9, solo exhibition, Abacus, A game between numbers and spaces, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2020  Pilotenkueche, International Art Project, group exhibition, Leipzig, Germany.
2019  Abacus, A game between numbers and spaces, curated by Sandra M. Pattin, Florence, Italy 2019 Artbo Art week, Artistas de La                          Galleria, Group exhibition, Bogota, Colombia
2019  Gallery Nine, group exhibition, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2019  Reforestando el Arte, Curated by Nina Bendzko, Hommage to Humboldt, Bogota, Colombia
2019  Blanco Sobre Blanco, curated by Patricia Gomez, Gallery  La Balsa Bogotá, Colombia
2019  Abacus - Variation on A Theme, Chinese European Art Centre, Xiamen Fujian, China
2018  20/20K Hertz, a collaboration with the sound artist Diana M. Restrepo, La Balsa Medellin, Colombia
2018  Artes y Textieles, Tercer Salon de Arte, curated by Pilar Cabrera, Club el Nogal, Bogota, Colombia
2018  Habitar, exposición collectiva curada por Caridad Botella en Casa Hoffmann, Bogota, Colombia
2017  KunstRai, Art Fair June 2017 Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2016  Gallery Josilda Da Conceicao, group exhibition July, Amsterdam The Netherlands
2015  Art Basel Season in collaboration with WBCP Gallery, Miami, United States
2015  Rotterdam Art Fair, in collaboration with Gallery 9, February 2015, The Netherlands
2014  Art in Red Light, Beurs van Berlage, decembre 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2014  KunstRai Amsterdam in collaboration with Master Pieces stand 1 - june 2014, the Netherlands
2014  Art Breda in collaboration with Gallery 9, Breda, The Netherlands - April 2014
2014  SOUK-Amsterdam in collaboration with Galerie Wies Willemsen.
2014  RAW Art Fair 2014 in collaboration with Gallery nine, Cruise Terminal Rotterdam, the Netherlands
2012  Balsamo Art and Antique, group exhibition, New York
2007  Art in Red Light, group exhibition at the Oude Kerk Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2006  El Corte delle Idee, solo exhibition, Sicily, Italy.
2005  Palazzo Riccio di Murana, solo exhibition, organized by “Club Unesco” Italy.
2005  Art Event Belgium, Annually Art Fair Antwerp, Belgium
2005  Kunst – in – Ahoy, Annual Art Fair Rotterdam, The Netherlands
1998  Group exhibition, Gallery 86, Easter Exhibition, Curacao, Dutch Antilles.
1998  First Prize winner of the Arthur Anderson contest 2020, Curacao, Dutch Antilles.
1995  Gallery 86, Group exhibition, Curaçao Dutch Antilles.

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©2021 by Bilal Chahal.

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